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Dr. Carolina J. Zagal
Founder & President
Marine environmental education
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Marine Biologist (Universidad Austral de Chile), Teacher, Doctor in Experimental Ecology (University of Sydney), Master in Education (Science and Languages; University of Tasmania). Director and marine environmental educator of Oceanosfera. After more than 20 years working in universities, environmental organizations and schools in Chile and Australia, she decided to resign, to realize one of her dreams: combine her love for the ocean and environmental education in the foundation of Oceanosfera. Carolina has developed more than 30 marine environmental education resources. Her best-known publications are the books "Guide to Marine Invertebrates of Valdivia" (2001) and "Guide to Marine Invertebrates of Southern Chile" (2007). These are the first detailed marine fauna recognition books for Chile and the first to be authoredd by women. Carolina is also author of: "Sea Turtles of Chile" (2023), "Marine Fauna of Southern Chile" (2019), "101 Threatened and Protected Marine Animals of Southern Chile" (2020), "Marine Mammals of Southern Chile" (2020), "Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of southern Chile" (2021), "Flora and Fauna of the Valdivian Coastal Reserve" (2022) and "ZOOM OFF: Marine Animals" (2021), the first children's book with underwater photographs of Chile. Carolina is also a Scientific Diver, probably the first female scientific diver for Chile, certified by Standford University's Research Diving Program (1995).

Mg. Carla Christie R-M.

Science communication
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Marine Biologist (Universidad Austral de Chile), Master in Science Communication (University of Otago, New Zealand), PhD Student in Communication (Universidad de la Frontera and Universidad Austral de Chile). Ocean science communicator of Oceanosfera. Carla is a well-known science and outreach communicator. Her most recent appearance was for the CNN Series "Patagonia: Life on the Edge of the World". Carla's career has been recognized by being selected in the leadership program "Hidden No More: Empowering Women Leaders in STEM" (2017), one of the "50 Young Leaders" of the Los Lagos Region (2014), "100 Young leaders ”from Chile (2013) and "12 outstanding of the Los Rios Region" (2022). She is the author of the popular book "El Delfín Chileno" (2015, 2nd Edition 2019) and is the first woman and Marine Biologist to publish an informative and cetacean identification book in Chile. She has recently co-authored Oeanosfera's field guide: "Marine Fauna of Southern Chile" (2019). Previously Carla worked as Outreach Coordinator of the Faculty of Sciences of the UACh for 6 years.

Consuelo Hermosilla C.
Communications & Outreach
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Marine Biologist (Universidad Austral de Chile), owner and creator of  Vegania Slowfood company. Co-author of the well-known books "Guide to Marine Invertebrates of Valdivia" (2001) and "Guide to Marine Invertebrates of Southern Chile" (2nd Edition 2007). These are the first detailed marine fauna recognition books for Chile and the first to be authored by women. Consuelo is also co-author of the field guide: "Marine Fauna of Southern Chile" (2019) and the poster "Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of Southern Chile" (2021), edited by Oceanosfera. She was also the communications and social media assistant for the project "ZOOM OFF: Marine Animals" (2021), the first children's book with underwater photographs of Chile with complementary educational material. As a board member of Oceanosfera, Consuelo reviews all the educational materials that Oceanosfera develops.


Isabel Guerrero S.
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Bachelor of Art (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Masters in Communication (Universidad Austral de Chile), Diploma in Administration and Management for Foundations and Corporations (Universidad Andrés Bello), General Director of the publishing house and producer Trafun Ediciones, Board Member of Alerce NGO. She has more than 15 years of experience in illustration, publishing, scientific photography, graphic design, education, arts, heritage and science communication. Among her best known works are the design of the guide "Marine Fauna of southern Chile" (2019), the book “Tras los Gigantes del Fin del Mundo” (2016, 2ª Edition 2021) and the educational board game "GeoExplora tu Región. Aysén Region ”(2017). Isabel has designed all seven of Oceanosfera's field guides. For example, the popular "Marine Fauna of Southern Chile" (2019), "101 Threatened and Protected Marine Animals of Southern Chile" (2020), "Marine Mammals of Southern Chile" (2020) and "Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of Southern Chile" (2021). Isabel is co-author, designer and illustrator of "ZOOM OFF: Marine Animals" (2021), the first children's book with underwater photographs of Chile.

Isabel Guerrero S.
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Environmental Biologist and Biological Sciences Masters student  (Universidad de Chile). Director of Núcleo Pintarroja NGO. His studies specialize in chondrichthyes (sharks rays and chimaeras) taxonomy, biology and fishery in Chile. Beyond his academic background, Ignacio has participated in many scientific outreach activities including talks, science fairs, written press, television and various educational activities. Ignacio is the main author Oceanósfera's guide "Sharks, rays and chimaeras of southern Chile". He was the scientificadvisor and co-coordinator with Sofía Arias of the Oceanosfera project, "Tiburones a la Vista" ("Sharks Ahoy", FFOIP 2021-43816) which resulted in the publication of a chondrichthyan poster and an activity workbook. He has collaborated as a reviewer of all Oceanosfera educational matierals that include cartilaginous fish  (e.g., "101 Threatened and protected marine animals of southern Chile" and ZOOM OFF: Marine animals). Ignacio also provides scientific verification of cartilaginous fish egg photos that are uploaded to our website, determining the genus or the species of each egg capsule.

Nicolas Muñoz
Marine Biologist & Photographer
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Marine Biologist (Universidad Austral de Chile), member of Centro Ballena Azul (CBA). Known for his work in underwater photography and filming, especially for his beautiful records in southern Chile and Patagonia. His most recent audiovisual material is part of the documentary series "Más Allá de las Olas" produced by La Nube Cinema and which is currently in the post-production stage. Nicolas has contributed with photographs for Oceanosfera's field guide "Marine Fauna of Southern Chile" (2019).

Alejandro Riedemann Hall
Marine Biologist & Photographer

Marine Biologist (Universidad Austral de Chile), works at the Fisheries and Aquaculture Subsecretary (SUBPESCA), in the regions of La Araucanía and Los Ríos. Photographer of the well-known books "Guide to Marine Invertebrates of Valdivia" (2001) and "Guide to Marine Invertebrates of Southern Chile" (2nd Edition 2007). These are the first detailed marine fauna recognition books that exist for Chile since 1976, when Juan Carlos Castilla published the "Guide to Observe the Coast" in a more general format. Alejandro has contributed with photographs for Oceanosfera's field guide "Marine Fauna of Southern Chile" (2019).

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Jorge Ruiz T.
Illustrator & Ornithologist
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Veterinarian (Austral University of Chile), technical manager of Austral-AVEX (UACh), Quempillén Experimental Station, Chiloé and technician in charge of the Bird Ecology Lab, of the Institute of Marine and Limnological Sciences, UACh. He has produced drawings and illustrations for over 30 years. His wildlife illustrations are known in Chile and abroad, with the completion of more than 13 books on Chilean fauna and conservation. Some of his most popular books are: "Birds of Chile - Its Oceanic Islands and Antarctic Peninsula" (2016), "Birds of the Forests of southern Chile" (2016) and "Field Guide to the Birds and Marine Mammals of Southern Chile ”(2010). Jorge has recently illustrated three of Oceanosfera's field guides: "101 Threatened and Protected Marine Animals of Southern Chile" (2020), "Marine Mammals of Southern Chile" (2020). and "Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of Southern Chile" (2021).

Daniela Mardones
Marine Biologist
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Marine Biologist (Universidad Austral de Chile), Master's student in Education, Environmental Education (Universidad de la Frontera), Board Member of Alerce NGO. She is currently working as a Research Assistant in a project on the physiological responses of anemones to environmental stress. Daniela has collaborated in the realization of environmental educational activities and the development of marine educational resources.

Gabriela Sotomayor Ortiz
Historian & Reading Mediator
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Historian (Universidad de Chile). She worked at the Natural History and Cultural Museum of the Desert of Atacama, Calama for 8 years. With more than 10 years of experience in reading mediation, she has generated spaces for conversation and creativity through didactic workshops. She is a part of the Network of Reading Mediators of the Antofagasta Region since 2021. In 2019 she created the "Patrimony, Memory and Words" Reading Club for adults, children and  prison spaces. She is currently working in the Department of Tourism of the  Culture and Tourism Corporation of Calama. Her main place of work is El Loa Park, where she does flora and bird life tours. Gabriela has collaborated with Oceanosfera by promoting learning and an appreciation of our ocean culture and natural marine heritage. She has done more than 20 mediation activities with our book "ZOOM OFF: Marine Animals" in the Antofagasta Region, Chile and Riobamba, Ecuador.

Dr. Mauricio Cubillos
Marine Invertebrate Specialist

Marine Biologist (Universidad Austral de Chile), Doctor in Marine Sciences (University of Otago, New Zealand), Professor at the Institute of Marine and Limnological Sciences (ICML) and current Director of the Coastal Laboratory of Aquatic Resources of Calfuco at the Universidad Austral de Chile . For the past 20 years he has investigated the reproduction, development and physiological responses of marine invertebrates to environmental stress. He has collaborated in the communication and dissemination of science and education between the university and regional communities.

Dr. Francisco Viddi
Marine Ecologist

Marine Biologist (Universidad Austral de Chile), Doctor in Environmental Sciences (Macquire University, Australia), Researcher at Fundación Melimoyu and co-founder of the Blue Whale Center (CBA). For the last 20 years he has worked in marine ecology and conservation, mainly in marine mammal ecology (animal distribution and behavior, impacts and conservation). He has participated in several projects where science is applied to conservation along the Chilean coast, Antarctica and Australia.



The Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Austral de Chile and the Coastal Laboratory of Aquatic Resources of Calfuco, are located in the privileged environment of Valdivia. Its mission, as established in its Strategic Development Plan, is: “to create, transfer and apply knowledge, promote the development of science in students, in the local, national and international community and train people with critical and creative thinking to respond to the challenges of the environment where they operate and contribute to sustainable development ”.

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ONG Alerce, is a non-profit environmental organization made up of a group of professionals specialized in science and education. Its mission is to solve environmental problems by enhancing the country's natural heritage. For this they seek to develop projects that involve different social actors, which allow them to contribute towards environmental awareness. In addition, offer concrete tools to promote appreciation and respect for our natural environment. This, through environmental education, training with technological tools and the development of simple applications in favor of sustainability.

The Center for Dynamic Research on High Latitude Marine Ecosystems (IDEAL) is a multidisciplinary center that was created to respond to the challenges of global changes in southern seas. Its main objective is to measure and understand the impacts of environmental stressors, caused by global change, on the productivity of marine ecosystems in Antarctic and Subantarctic regions, and their implications for societies that depend on them.


The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. Founded in the U.S. through grassroots action in 1951, its mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. TNC's Vision: A world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill our needs and enrich our lives. TNC works with 16 countries in Latin America, including Chile, to help protect one of the world’s most biodiverse region.

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