ZOOM OFF: Marine Animals
An underwater adventure awaits…
Let's explore!
Join two young explorers on an extraordinary diving trip. Put your dive mask on and submerge yourself into each page to meet 27 of the most amazing animals. Discover some of their curious facts and allow yourself to be marvelled by their variety of forms, sizes and colours. Open up your senses towards the adventure of diving and be surprised by ACTUAL SIZE sea creatures.
Languages: English and Spanish.
How to cite: Zagal, C.J., Sorensen E. & I. Guerrero. 2021. ZOOM OFF, Marine Animals. Valdivia, Chile: Fundación Oceanósfera. 40 pp.

Field guides to identify the diversity of marine animals and threatened species that inhabit the chilean coast.

Littoral bony fishes of continental Chile
Bony fish are one of the most diverse groups of vertebrate animals on the planet. Chile has more than 1,300 species of marine fish and 1,200 of these are bony fish, which have skeletons made of rigid bones. Learn about 48 species of bony marine fish that you can discover off the coast of continental Chile. Observe the diversity of fish such as cusk eels, moray eels, sheephead, triplefin and flounder, among many others. Find out the importance of each species, its feeding behaviour and conservation needs. Share your knowledge and help us to take care of life in the ocean.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Natalio Godoy, Felipe Torres Cañete, Florencia Vial, Marcelo Antillanca, Carolina J. Zagal, Stefan Gelcich, Andrés Smith (authors), Verónica Ortiz (illustrations), Isabel Guerrero S. (design).
How to cite: Godoy, N., Torres Cañete, F., Vial, F. Antillanca, M. Zagal, C.J., Gelcich, S. & A. Smith. 2024.Peces litorales óseos de Chile continental. Chile: The Nature Conservancy, Fundación Oceanósfera & Instituto Milenio en Socio-Ecología Costera (SECOS). 8 pp.

Sea turtles of Chile
Five of the seven species of sea turtles of the world live in Chile. They visit our Pacific Ocean as they migrate and to feed, from the temperate waters of continental Chile to the warm and clear waters of Rapa Nui and offshore islands. Sea turtles of Chile are: green turtle (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) and hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). The latter has been reported only from Rapa Nui. Unfortunately, sea turtles are one of the most endangered groups of animals in the world. They are threatened due to human activities such as accidental capture or bycatch in fishing gear (nets and hooks), pollution and boat collisions. Get to know sea turtles, find out why they are important and what you can do to help and protect them.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Carolina J. Zagal, Natalio Godoy, Felipe Torres Cañete, Florencia Vial, Carol Medrano (authors), Rodrigo Verdugo Tartakowsky (illustrations), Isabel Guerrero S. (design).
How to cite: Zagal, CJ., Godoy, N., Torres Cañete, F., Vial, F. & C. Medrano. 2023. Tortugas marinas de Chile. Valdivia, Chile: The Nature Conservancy, Fundación Oceanósfera, ONG Qarapara Tortugas Marinas Chile & Instituto Milenio en Socio-Ecología Costera (SECOS). 10 pp.

Marine Refuges of Chile
Marine Refuges (Turf-Reserves) are areas of the sea along the Chilean coast to conserve and rebuild marine life. They are located within management areas that are collectively administered by artisanal fishers’ unions. Fishers voluntarily lead these initiatives through biodiversity monitoring, environmental education and carrying out measures against hunting and fish poaching within the refuge. Since 2016, and in association with Capital Azul Foundation, fishers’ unions have established a network of five Marine Refuges along the coasts of central Chile, Valparaiso Region. These are, from north to south: La Ballena-La Polcura, Zapallar, Cachagua, Maitencillo and Ventanas. A new Marine Refuge will soon be created with the Indigenous Fishing Association of Huiro. Explore these Marine Refuges and discover the birds, mammals, fish, invertebrates and algae found there. Learn about 45 species of marine flora and fauna that can be found there and why they are important. Help us protect and conserve these coastal spaces and the marine life that lives there.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Organizaciones de Pescadores Asociados, Natalio Godoy Salinas, Felipe Torres Cañete, Florencia Vial Tupper, Carolina J. Zagal Roberts, Rodrigo Sánchez Grez, Tomás Moggia Cárdenas, Paulina Martínez Marín, Stefan Gelcich Crossley (authors), Claudia Durán Mateluna (illustrations), Jorge Ruiz T. (illustrations pelican, fanskate), Isabel Guerrero S. (design).
How to cite: Organizaciones de Pescadores Asociados, Godoy, N., Torres Cañete, F., Vial, F., Zagal, CJ., Sánchez, R., Moggia, T., Martínez, P. & S. Gelcich. 2023. Refugios Marinos de Chile. Valdivia, Chile: The Nature Conservancy, Fundación Oceanósfera, Fundación Capital Azul & Instituto Milenio en Socio-Ecología Costera (SECOS). 8 pp.

Los Vilos Marine Conservation and Education Center: Municipal Aquarium and Hatchery
Los Vilos Aquarium & Marine Education Center was inaugurated in 2001 by two marine biologists, Natalio Godoy Salinas and Stefan Gelcich Crossley, supported by Los Vilos Municipality and Los Pelambres Mining Company. Its objective was to show some of the unique and incredible marine life of the area and contribute towards raising greater awareness about the importance of caring for our oceans and marine species. The Independent Federation of Artisanal Fishers and Shellfish Divers of the III and IV regions (FEPEMACH) have improved the infrastructure and built a “hatchery” to raise, recover, manage and conserve our marine resources. Discover unique ocean wonders, such as fish, invertebrates and algae that can be found here. Learn about 40 species of our marine flora and fauna and why they are important. Help us conserve and protect life in the oceans.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: FEPEMACH, Natalio Godoy Salinas, Felipe Torres Cañete, Stefan Gelcich Crossley, Andrés Smith Toledo, Carolina J. Zagal (authors), Claudia Durán Mateluna (illustrations), Isabel Guerrero S. (design).
How to cite: FEPEMACH, Godoy, N., Torres Cañete, F., Gelcich, S., Smith, A. &
CJ. Zagal. 2022. Centro Educativo y de Conservación de Recursos Marinos: Acuario y Hatchery Municipal, Los Vilos. Valdivia, Chile: The Nature Conservancy & Fundación Oceanósfera. 8 pp.

Flora and fauna of the Valdivian Coastal Reserve
The Valdivian Coastal Reserve is a protected area of more than 50,000 hectares, administered by the NGO The Nature Conservancy, that preserves one of the largest extensions of temperate rainforests in Chile and a unique biodiversity. Here you can discover important conservation objects such as alerce, olivillo and evergreen forests, freshwater ecosystems, wetlands, rocky coasts, sandy beaches and sand dunes. You may see unique animals such as Darwin’s fox, the kodkod, the South American deer, and the Chilean giant frog. Get to know the 100 species of flora and fauna from the Reserve in this guide and why they are important. Help us to conserve this protected area and the biodiversity it contains.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Marcelo Antillanca, Patricia del Carmen Barría, Natalio Godoy, Danilo González, Liliana Pezoa, Patricia Poveda, Felipe Torres Cañete, Francisco Torres, Carolina J. Zagal (authors), Claudia Durán Mateluna (illustrations),
Isabel Guerrero S. (design).
How to cite: Antillanca, M., Barría, P., Godoy, N., González, D., Pezoa, L.,
Poveda, P., Torres Cañete, F., Torres, F. & CJ. Zagal. 2022. Flora y fauna de la Reserva Costera Valdiviana. Valdivia, Chile: The Nature Conservancy & Fundación Oceanósfera. 10 pp.

Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of southern Chile
This new, complete field guide is an invitation to get to know close to half of Chile’s cartilaginous fish. Discover more than 44 species that are found in southern Chile and learn important information about 22 shark species, 19 rays and 3 chimaeras, in English and Spanish. Surprise yourself with 10 amazing facts about these singular giants, for example, the basking shark is the second largest fish in the world! Find out what shark and ray eggs look like and look for their eggcases during your visits to the beach or on underwater excursions. Photograph and send us your observations- your photos could be the first of the species! Observe the colours, forms and details of each illustration to identify eggcases and animals. Find the species that are disappearing and threatened with extinction. Get closer to the oceans and help us to protect these highly threatened key species.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Ignacio Contreras, Carolina J. Zagal (authors), Jorge Ruiz T. (illustrations), Isabel Guerrero S. (design).
How to cite: Contreras, I. & CJ. Zagal. 2021. Tiburones, rayas y quimeras del sur de Chile. Valdivia, Chile: Fundación Oceanósfera. 10 pp.

Marine mammals of southern Chile
This new, complete field guide is an invitation to learn about 39 marine mammal species known in southern Chile. In it you can find beautiful illustrations, important information and 10 amazing facts about these animals in English and Spanish. Discover 29 cetacean species that have been registered in southern Chile; 8 species of sea lions and seals from continental Chile; and the only 2 otter species found in Chile. Observe the colours, forms and details of each illustration. Surprise yourself learning about curiosities relating to different marine mammal groups. Feed your passion for knowledge and appreciation of each species as if it were a unique, invaluable work of art. Get closer to the oceans and help us protect our natural and cultural marine heritage.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Carolina J. Zagal (author), Jorge Ruiz T. (illustrations), Isabel Guerrero S. (design).
How to cite: Zagal, CJ. 2020. Mamíferos marinos del sur de Chile. Valdivia, Chile: Fundación Oceanósfera. 8 pp.

101 Threatened and protected marine animals of southern Chile
The first guide to threatened marine fauna of Chile. All living beings are important contributors to life on this planet. Each species is unique and invaluable, including you. Now you can get to know 101 marine animals that may be in danger of extinction. Look at these fascinating creatures and learn about extreme examples of the animal world. Discover the distinct shape of the ocean sunfish, the enormous mouth of the basking shark, and the moustache-like feathers of the Inca tern. Surprise yourself with marine animals that have beaten world records, from the smallest marine otter, to the biggest animal in the world, the blue whale. Find 6 critically endangered marine animals and 10 species only known in the southern Cone of South America or that are endemic to Chile. Help us protect threatened marine animals. By taking care of them we help all living organisms.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Carolina J. Zagal (author), Jorge Ruiz T. (illustrations), Isabel Guerrero S. (design).
How to cite: Zagal, CJ. 2020. 101 Animales marinos amenazados y protegidos del sur de Chile. Valdivia, Chile: Fundación Oceanósfera. 10 pp.
Marine fauna of southern Chile
Guide to explore and identify 100 animals that inhabit the coasts off southern Chile. This field guide has colour photographs of a diversity of marine invertebrates, fish, otters, dolphins and whales. Its practical design will allow you to register the marine fauna that you observe when you visit the beach.
Language: Spanish.
Production: Carolina J. Zagal, Consuelo Hermosilla C., Carla Christie R-M. (authors), Isabel Guerrero S. (design), Alejandro Riedemann H., Nicolás Muñoz (photos), Eduardo Sorensen (cover photo), Leonardo Palacios & Jorge Ruiz T. (illustrations).
How to cite: Fundación Oceanósfera. 2019. Fauna marina del sur de Chile, guía para explorar y reconocer 100 animales que habitan las costas del sur de Chile. Valdivia, Chile: América Impresores. 8pp.
Guide to marine invertebrates of southern Chile
Guide to recognise and identify 166 coastal marine invertebrates of Chile.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Carolina J. Zagal, Consuelo Hermosilla C., Alejandro Riedemann H.
How to cite: Zagal, CJ. & C. Hermosilla. 2007. Guía de invertebrados marinos del sur de Chile. Segunda Edición. Punta Arenas, Chile: Fantástico Sur. 264 pp.

Guide to marine invertebrates of Valdivia
Guide to recognize and identify 122 marine invertebrates off the coast of Valdivia, Chile.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Production: Carolina J. Zagal, Consuelo Hermosilla C., Alejandro Riedemann H.
How to cite: Zagal, CJ. & C. Hermosilla. 2001. Guía de invertebrados marinos del litoral Valdiviano. Primera Edición. Santiago, Chile: Quebecor World Chile S.A. 219 pp.

Poster 2: Sharks, rays and chimaeras of southern Chile
One of the best ways to protect our biodiversity is to get to know it and share our knowledge. This poster shows the diversity of sizes, shapes and colours of more than 44 species of chondrichthyans or cartilaginous fish that are found in southern Chile. These fish play an important role in maintaining the natural balance in marine ecosystems. Unfortunately, close to one third are currently threatened with extinction. Get to know them, share your knowledge and act.
We have also created a field guide and activity book about sharks, rays and chimaeras that are available for free download through our website
How to cite: Contreras, I., Zagal, CJ., Ruiz, J. & I. Guerrero S. 2023. Afiche 2: Tiburones, rayas y quimeras del sur de Chile. Valdivia, Chile: Fundación Oceanósfera & The Nature Conservancy.

Poster: Tiburones, rayas y quimeras del sur de Chile
One of the best ways to protect our biodiversity is to get to know it and share our knowledge. This poster shows the diversity of sizes, shapes and colours of more than 44 species of chondrichthyans or cartilaginous fish that are found in southern Chile. These fish play an important role in maintaining the natural balance in marine ecosystems. Unfortunately, close to one third are currently threatened with extinction. Get to know them, share your knowledge and act.
We have also created a field guide and activity book about sharks, rays and chimaeras that are available for free download through our website
How to cite: Arias, S., I. Contreras, J. Ruiz, C. Hermosilla. & CJ. Zagal. 2021. Afiche tiburones, rayas y quimeras del sur de Chile. Valdivia, Chile: Fundación Oceanósfera.

Tiburones a la Vista: Activities for a Living Ocean
Entertainment plays an important role in caring for our environment. This booklet contains entertaining activities to get to know some of the cartilaginous fish from southern Chile and understand their importance. It was designed to be completed with the field guide "Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras from southern Chile by children that are 9 to 12 years old, although it can be used by a larger age range. Complete the different activities by yourself, in a group or as a family and share your experience.
We have also created a field guide and poster about sharks, rays and chimaeras that are available for free download through our website
Production: Sofía Arias, Ignacio Contreras, Carolina J. Zagal, Antonia Carrasco, Fernanda Palacios, María José. Roselló, Hefzi Vargas, Roseanne Landon, Jorge Ruiz T., Danae Zamorano.
How to cite: Arias, S., I. Contreras, C.J. Zagal, A. Carrasco, F. Palacios, M.J. Roselló, H. Vargas & R. Landon. 2021. Tiburones a la vista: actividades por un océano vivo. Valdivia, Chile: Fundación Oceanósfera. 23 pp.

Videos that invite you to explore and get to know the marine life that inhabits the chilean coast.
For a Living Ocean: Biodiversity
Join us in an underwater excursion along the coasts off Chile and observe the marine biodiversity that makes up part of our cultural and natural heritage.
Languages: Spanish, English subtitles.
Image archives: Antártica Films (
Music: Patrick Moore Music (
Narrator: Rodrigo Aguilera (Spotify: Rodrigo Aguilera)
Script and editing: Fundación Oceanósfera (Dr. Carolina J. Zagal)
Activities for a Living Ocean: Biodiversity
An invitation for girls and boys. Join us in an underwater excursion along the coasts off Chile and observe the marine biodiversity that forms part of our cultural and natural heritage. Register your observations in your guide "Fauna Marina del sur de Chile."
Language: Spanish.
Production: Fundación Oceanósfera (Dra. Carolina J. Zagal), Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Austral de Chile.
Music: Patrick Moore Music (